An introduction of sorts...

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am addicted to food.

If a poll was taken by everyone who knows me asking what I am most passionate about, the survey would come back unanimously - FOOD! This wouldn't occur because I'm hungry all of the time (because I swear to you, I'm not!), but because I thoroughly enjoy all of the things in life that food has to offer. Food brings people together for celebrations, community events, romantic notions, friendly catch-ups, an impromptu get together and so much more! Why not indulge in it?

Little ole' me.
Growing up, I spent a good percentage of my time in the kitchen helping my mom bake and cook. We always had the best cookies (hands-down) for class parties when I was younger - it's how I made friends. I continued my love of cooking with home-ec classes in middle school and high school; winning awards for best cake all-around! In college, I'd cook for my roommates almost daily. There was (and still is) nothing better than spending time with friends and hearing how much they enjoyed something you made them.

Guinness Dark Chocolate Cake with Bailey's Buttercream
After college, I moved from Florida to New Jersey and worked at a cooking school. I was lucky enough to work with great people and some amazing chefs (you know who you are!) that taught me SO much about cooking (and life in general.) I assisted classes at the school and came out with a plethora of culinary knowledge for which I am extremely thankful. I continued my career in the culinary world when I accepted a position in marketing with a food service company in New York City. A few years into my time there I was given the opportunity to bake in the kitchen at Hearst Tower thanks to a great general manager and executive chef (you also know who you are!) This allowed me to continue my love of baking and get creative! I attended NYC's Institute of Culinary Education participating in recreational baking classes, gaining SO much more knowledge and growing in my culinary abilities.

This picture is irrelevant, I just like it.
Now a days, I cook because I absolutely love it. Creation of a delicious meal, snack or dessert is rewarding to me and I love sharing what I do with others. Hence this blog. Many friends and family members have asked me for recipes for the photos I post on Instagram and Facebook. I've decided to document my adventures in food here for you all to enjoy and for my own reference (#selfish).

S'mores Cupcakes
I recently moved back to Central Florida. I have been visiting local farmer's markets each weekend and come back with pretty amazing items. I hope you all enjoy my recipes, food obsession and local food coverage. Oh, and of course, the occasional selfie, because why not?


P.S. Follow me on instagram at onceuponasarah and  keep up with my blog with Bloglovin!


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