Baked Kale Chips

Kale: that hit or miss green that people are either crazy about or still trying to pass off as garnish for fruit and veggie platters. I personally can't get enough of this leafy green! I enjoy adding it to my smoothies, sauteing it with lemon and garlic, OR baking it to create Kale Chips. Baked Kale Chips are a nice, nutrient-enriched, healthy snack to reach for when that tummy starts to rumble. They are light, crisp and so, SO good! 

1 bunch of kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Cooking Instructions:
First thing's first, heat that oven up to 350 degrees so it'll be hot and ready to bake!

Next, prep the kale! The first thing you want to do it remove the leaves from the fiberous stem and tear the leaves into bite-size pieces. Wash the kale in a salad spinner or colander and dry using paper towels to remove the excess water.

On a sheet pan lined with parchment paper, lay the kale evenly. Then, pour olive oil over kale leaves and sprinkle with salt, garlic powder, and peppers.

Place baking sheet in your hot and ready oven, and bake for 10-15 minutes. When the edges of your kale leaves are brown, they're done!

Baked Kale Chips taste best the day you make them. However, I've been known to have them kicking around the kitchen for a few days and they still taste great! You can also play with the flavoring - I have a garlic obsession and enjoy a bit of spice (hence the recipe above). If you're trying Baked Kale Chips for the first time, I suggest salt and pepper. After that, go crazy and (obviously) enjoy!


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