Health Tip: Water Revamp

Summer is upon us, and it's promising to be a hot one! Our bodies need water to hydrate daily, but sometimes we get a little bored with the blandness of water and end up reaching for unhealthy beverages to quench that thirst. I'm here to with a tip that will save you calories (and self loathing) while making use of fresh garden herbs and fruit!

I've been trying to make a conscious effort to drink at least five 12-oz. glasses of water daily. Let's be real - that got old really fast. Now don't get me wrong, I love water. However, I also like to add variety to my beverage intake with tea and the occasional cup of coffee. I'm not a huge soda drinker as it is (self props).

I have a garden in my backyard with fresh veggies and herbs that I'm very passionate about and on-top of. Kind of like a dance mom, minus the children thing and the yelling. It's possible that my gardening is not like being a dance mom at all... Any who - I check on them daily and love to see what they produce.

Mint has taken over my garden. I couldn't stop it if I were actually willing to try. Unfortunately, I barely use mint. To utilize it, I decided to incorporate mint into my water intake because it is a.) full of great health benefits (weight-loss anyone?); b.) makes the water even more refreshing (ahhhh); and c.) makes space in the garden (miracles). Mint was great, but then I (like most) wanted more. I added cucumbers and lemongrass for an even better water experience. It was magical and I highly recommend this combo to anyone who's anyone.

I've made a list below of other fresh ingredients to spice up your daily water routine. Try these for yourself OR make a pitcher full for a group of friends. They'll totes be impressed -enjoy!

Cucumber, Lemongrass & Mint
Strawberry & Basil
Lemon & Thyme
Orange & Rosemary
Cucumber & Sage
Lime & Cilantro

Flavor Tip!
To enhance and prolong the flavor of your herbs, mash them up a little bit prior to putting them into your water!


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